Traveling easy


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Сентябрь 2025 Canada. Niagara, Tastings and Whales от $2 590 Идет активный набор группы
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Most Popular Questions

What is an Author's tour?

The Author's tour from Travel123 means that all tour program is thought out by us in advance. Especially for this, we select the most interesting places and directions, take care of your accommodation, transport and meals in advance. Author's tours assume much more activity than regular package tours with accommodation in one hotel. As a rule, they pass through several cities or even countries at once, which allows you to see many sights in a short time, see countries and their people much closer than just from the hotel’s window and get really exciting impressions from traveling to other countries.

What is an Excursion tour?

An Excursion tour is a tour in which you can visit a large number of important cultural and historical places. Since our tours are Author’s tours also, you can expect not only visiting of museums, main attractions, but also places that tourist’s mainstream miss on regular tours. With Travel123’s tours, you will travel by various types of local transport, gather for dinner in a homely atmosphere, do active sports, have time to relax on the beach, and also visit little-known places that ordinary tourists do not reach. Often, Excursion tours also include local customs and events, for example, in the autumn tour of Armenia and Georgia, you will be taken to the grape harvesting and wine tasting, and in the New Year, many interesting local traditions will await you. Well, if your birthday will fall on our trip, then we will definitely celebrate it with you and will prepare a surprise.

What is a Group tour?

A group tour means that we collect a group of people who want to travel. Yes, you can gather your group of 6-8 people and contact our company to order a tour. But not everyone can gather so many friends at one time, so we gather in groups and those who travel alone, couples, families or just small groups of friends. For us, it doesn’t matter what city you are from, the whole group arrives in the city of the beginning of the trip with their own route (which we can help you choose), everyone is met by our Russian-speaking guide, so you can safely join us, even if you go alone. In the company of like-minded people, it will be more interesting for you and you will have someone to discuss your impressions of the trip with. All individual wishes are also discussed)

What does a tour with a Russian-speaking guide mean?

Всё путешествие с вами будут наши опытные гиды и тур-лидеры. Они не только встретят вас в аэропорту и расскажут об интересных местах, но и помогут в течении всего путешествия, если вдруг возникнут проблемы или появятся дополнительные пожелания. Также для тех кто не знает английского, общение в чужой стране может вызвать проблему, а с гидом эта проблема решается автоматически. Наша программа тура может меняться в зависимости от условий в стране или каких-либо обстоятельств. Бывают случаи, что например, в стране в это время идут ливни и нужно учитывать затопленные территории. Благодаря гиду вам не стоит беспокоиться об этом, мы всё организуем и изменим маршрут по возможности или необходимости. Ведь путешествие на то и путешествие, чтобы получать разные впечатления и наслаждаться исследованиями другой страны.



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